Auckland, united we stand
He Tau Ira – Year of Ira, is a Tāmaki Makaurau Māori led wellness campaign to protect tamariki, whānau and communities from COVID-19.
Mauri Tauira Day at Aotea Square
on Wednesday 28 September 2022 from 9:30am to 2:30pm
Mauri Tauira Day this free one-day kaupapa will feature a morning of dynamic Māori leading kaikōrero, live entertainment and koi activations (in Aotea Square) to inspire rangatahi from 30+ Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Reo Rua, Kura a Iwi and Rumaki in Tāmaki Makaurau to connect each other’s mauri and upsize their matauranga.
Nau mai, e tai, ki te ao mārama!
Ko te ’IRA’ tangata te tūāpapa mō ngā tūhonohonotanga pūmau, te whirinaki a tētahi ki tētahi, mai i ngā tūpuna heke iho ki a tātau.
Ko ‘ira.dot’ tētahi kaupapa whakakotahi kia tāwharautia ai tātau, ō tātau whānau, ō tātau hapori anō hoki i ngā whiunga o te Mate Kowheori.
Ira werohia, tāia te Ira, tāia te remu o ngā kākahu ki te Ira hei tohu tautoko, tuituia ngā Ira hei āwhina i ngā whānau, i ngā hapū, i ngā iwi, i ngā hapori katoa o Tāmaki Makaurau – kia whakahaumarutia ai te katoa.
Ko ‘Tāmaki Tū Kotahi’ tētahi huinga o ngā iwi, o ngā kapa haka, o ngā ratonga hauora Māori me ngā hoa kaporeihana e hiahia ana kia piki ake ai a Tāmaki Makaurau ki te iwa tekau ōrau kia wātea ai tātau ki te waiata tahi, ki te kanikani tahi, ki te whakangahau tahi, ki te tūhonohono tahi anō hoki.
Ira Dot is the foundation for inherent connectedness and interdependence to all things from our tūpuna down to us. Ira Dot is how we can unite to protect ourselves, our whānau, and our communities against Covid-19.
Get dotted, dot your lot, dot your sleeve to support, connect your dots, and help our whānau, hapū, iwi and all our communities in Tamaki Makaurau – Auckland to get protected.
Tāmaki Tū Kotahi is a collective of Iwi, Kapa Haka, Hauora Māori providers and Corporate partners who want to get Tāmaki Makaurau to 90% to be able to sing, dance, celebrate and connect again.